Teresa Searcy and SMART Medical Teams in Honduras is a blog by Missionary Teresa Andrews Searcy and is all about her daily adventures in Honduras. The blog includes information regarding SMART Medical Teams and the work they do in Honduras. Teresa often shares recipes since cooking is her favorite hobby.
Teresa was born and raised in Little Rock, Arkansas, and then when married moved to Kansas City area where she lived for 25 years. She is the mother of two daughters, Jessica Searcy Maldonado and Sarah Searcy Gonzalez and her children have blessed her with 6 grandchildren. She has been living in Honduras since 2005 but began her work in Honduras in 1991.
SMART Medical Teams is the medical mission arm of Shechinah Ministries which Teresa and her husband Michael Searcy founded in 1981. SMART Medical Teams hosts medical and surgery teams from institutions all over the United States, which help the poor of Honduras meet their health needs. The ministry is also involved in giving away wheelchairs, food, clothing, shoes, home building, church building, water well drilling, recycling projects, cake decorating missions teams, mosaic missions teams, eye surgery and eyeglass teams. Teresa is extremely interested in the environment and taking care of the natural beauty found Honduras. Teresa is available to teach the Bible in seminar settings or in church services both in the United States and in Honduras and surrounding areas, but scheduling must be made well in advance.
Teresa Searcy and SMART Medical Teams in Honduras — Check it out!
Teresa was born and raised in Little Rock, Arkansas, and then when married moved to Kansas City area where she lived for 25 years. She is the mother of two daughters, Jessica Searcy Maldonado and Sarah Searcy Gonzalez and her children have blessed her with 6 grandchildren. She has been living in Honduras since 2005 but began her work in Honduras in 1991.
SMART Medical Teams is the medical mission arm of Shechinah Ministries which Teresa and her husband Michael Searcy founded in 1981. SMART Medical Teams hosts medical and surgery teams from institutions all over the United States, which help the poor of Honduras meet their health needs. The ministry is also involved in giving away wheelchairs, food, clothing, shoes, home building, church building, water well drilling, recycling projects, cake decorating missions teams, mosaic missions teams, eye surgery and eyeglass teams. Teresa is extremely interested in the environment and taking care of the natural beauty found Honduras. Teresa is available to teach the Bible in seminar settings or in church services both in the United States and in Honduras and surrounding areas, but scheduling must be made well in advance.
Teresa Searcy and SMART Medical Teams in Honduras — Check it out!
Teresa Searcy y los Equipos Médicos SMART en Honduras es un blog le pertenece a la misionera Teresa Andrews Searcy y es acerca de sus aventuras diarias en Honduras. Este blog incluye además información sobre los Equipos Médicos SMART y el trabajo que estos realizan en Honduras. Teresa a menudo comparte recetas, ya que cocinar es su pasatiempo favorito.
Teresa nació y creció en Little Rock en Arkansas, y luego, cuando se casó, se mudó al área de a Ciudad de Kansas donde vivió por 25 años. Ella es la madre de dos hijas, Jessica Searcy Maldonado y Sarah Searcy Gonzalez y sus hijos la han bendecido con 6 nietos. Ella ha vivido en Honduras desde el 2005 pero su labor en Honduras empezó en 1991.
Los equipos médicos SMART son el brazo médico de los Ministerios Shechinah que Teresa y su esposo Michael Searcy fundaron en 1981. Estos equipos médicos SMART sirven de anfitrión a equipos médicos y de cirujanos que provienen de instituciones de todas partes de los Estados Unidos, quienes ayudan al sector pobre de Honduras a cubrir sus necesidades de salud. El Ministerio también está involucrado en la donación de sillas de ruedas, comida, ropa, calzado, así como en la construcción de casas e iglesias, perforación de pozos de agua, proyectos de reciclaje, equipos misioneros para decoración de pasteles y elaboración de mosaicos, equipos misioneros dedicados a la cirugía de ojos y lentes. Teresa está extremadamente interesada en el medio ambiente y en cuidar la belleza natural de Honduras. Ella está disponible para enseñar la Biblia, ya sea por medio de seminarios o a través de servicios en iglesias, ya sea en los Estados Unidos como en Honduras y sus alrededores, no obstante la programación de estos eventos debe ser hecha con suficiente anticipación.
Teresa Searcy y los Equipos Médicos SMART en Honduras — ¡Chequéalo!
Teresa is someone I have met personally. She is just an ordinary lady who is busy doing the stuff that God has called her to do. Woo hoo for Teresa, it's your day at Honduras Blogs!
And she has great cheese and snacks. Ask for an invite.
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