"Todo a tu alrededor habla, sólo se trata de poner más atención...y las imágenes hablaron por sí solas, transmitiendo su belleza, sin decir mucho."
Lente de Calle: como amante y aficionada amateur a la fotografía, comparto postales e imágenes de mi bella Honduras, mostrando a la vez, la realidad de su pueblo: cultura, costumbres, comidas, calles, gente, naturaleza, todo lo que me invita a decir algo sobre el momento que estoy viviendo. Todas las imágenes, hablan por sí solas...el lector al final, siempre saca sus propias conclusiones!
Lente de Calle − visita para disfrutar las vistas de las calles de Tegucigalpa!
"Everything around you speaks, just try paying more attention... and the images speak for themselves, transmitting their beauty, without saying much."
As a lover and amateur aficionado of photography, I share these postcards and images of my beautiful Honduras, showing at the same time, the reality of the country: culture, customs, food, streets, people, nature, all that invites me to say something about the moment in which I am living. All of these images speak for themselves...in the end, the reader always comes to his own conclusions!
Lente de Calle (Lens of the street) − visit to enjoy the sights from the streets of Tegucigalpa!
As a lover and amateur aficionado of photography, I share these postcards and images of my beautiful Honduras, showing at the same time, the reality of the country: culture, customs, food, streets, people, nature, all that invites me to say something about the moment in which I am living. All of these images speak for themselves...in the end, the reader always comes to his own conclusions!
Lente de Calle (Lens of the street) − visit to enjoy the sights from the streets of Tegucigalpa!
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