It all began as an innocent conversation regarding future plans of cruising in our sailboat. Lori and I had arrived at that age of medical issues which causes one to think about the "what if's". Our plans to cruise the world and enjoy our "golden years" seemed doomed or extremely limited.
Then an idea struck me and I shared with Lori my recollections of visiting the island of Roatan as a teenager. While working at CSY (Caribbean Sailing Yachts) in Tampa over thirty years ago, I had voyaged on CSY's bound for charter at Brick Bay on Roatan Island. Since we both wanted to experience the Caribbean of old, we knew that meant the Western Caribbean. Maybe we could create a "home base" on Roatan and still enjoy cruising in unspoiled territory. We decided to check it out.
This is what the "Roatan Story" is about. Our initial visit, subsequent purchase of a piece of paradise, sailing our CSY here, and then the following construction of our compound, Turtlegrass, and business ventures we are involved in. We describe all the trial and tribulations of living in paradise in full living color and candor.....
Mark and Lori present their Roatan story in book style, with a new chapter every few months. Follow along as they buy property, live in a sail boat, build a house, and have a lot of fun along the way.
The Roatan Story − start at the beginning!
Then an idea struck me and I shared with Lori my recollections of visiting the island of Roatan as a teenager. While working at CSY (Caribbean Sailing Yachts) in Tampa over thirty years ago, I had voyaged on CSY's bound for charter at Brick Bay on Roatan Island. Since we both wanted to experience the Caribbean of old, we knew that meant the Western Caribbean. Maybe we could create a "home base" on Roatan and still enjoy cruising in unspoiled territory. We decided to check it out.
This is what the "Roatan Story" is about. Our initial visit, subsequent purchase of a piece of paradise, sailing our CSY here, and then the following construction of our compound, Turtlegrass, and business ventures we are involved in. We describe all the trial and tribulations of living in paradise in full living color and candor.....
Mark and Lori present their Roatan story in book style, with a new chapter every few months. Follow along as they buy property, live in a sail boat, build a house, and have a lot of fun along the way.
The Roatan Story − start at the beginning!
Todo empezó con una inocente conversación sobre los planes futuros de un crucero en nuestro bote. Lori y yo habíamos llegado a la edad de lidiar con asuntos médicos que te hacen pensar en “que pasaría si…”. Nuestros planes de hacer cruceros por el mundo y disfrutar nuestros años dorados parecían condenados al fracaso o muy limitados.
Luego tuve una idea y compartí con Lori mis recuerdos de visitas hechas a la isla de Roatán cuando era adolescente. Cuando trabajaba para CSY (Caribbean Sailing Yachts) en Tampa, hace más de treinta años, hice viajes charter a Brick Bay en Roatán. Como ambos deseábamos sentir la experiencia del Caribe de antaño, sabíamos que eso era el caribe occidental. Talvez podíamos crear un hogar con base en Roatán y disfrutar de cruceros en territorios vírgenes. Decidimos tratar.
De esto se trata el Cuento de Roatan. Nuestra visita inicial, la adquisición posterior de una porción del paraíso, navegar con nuestro yate hacia acá, la construcción de nuestro complejo, Turtlegrass, y los negocios en los que estamos involucrados. Describimos con mucho color y candidez, todas las pruebas y tribulaciones que hemos pasado por vivir en este paraíso.
Mark y Lori presentan su cuento de Roatan en formato de libro, añadiendo un capítulo nuevo después de un par de meses. Acompáñelos mientras compran propiedades, residen en su bote, construyen su casa y se divierten mientras lo hacen.
The Roatan Story (El cuento de Roatán) - comience desde el principio!!!
1 comment:
The big smiles on your faces...proof you found your paradise. Hard to keep it to yourself here, isn't it :)
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