Tuesday, July 6, 2010

El Jampedrano ® por Luís Matute

El Jampedrano por Luis Matute blog
En la costa norte Hondureña tenemos la costumbre de sustituir las "S" por la "J" de alli viene el Jampedrano.

Un blog escrito por un jampedrano que describe sus vivencias dentro y fuera de San Pedro Sula, comparte sus puntos vista aun y cuando no sean del gusto popular, su desencanto con la politica, la religion, el futbol y la idiotez extrema (si es que los tres anteriores no son la misma cosa, segun el al autor)

Existe el espacio para la recomendacion filmica y musical, la posibilidad de jugar Pac-Man (por sino le gusta el blog) y la comedia, aunque aclara desde antes que el tipo de humor no es tan explicito, al preguntar al autor sobre esto solo contesto "viva el Sarcasmo".

There is space for film and musical recommendations, the opportunity to play Pac-Man (but only if you like the blog) and comedy, although clear since before that the type of humor is not so explicit; to ask the author about this, he only answered "long live sarcasm".

Este blog es escrito por Luis Matute, quien trabajo como comunicador al aire en Radioactiva 997, Honduras, ademas de formar parte de Bakkan, actualmente reside fuera de San Pedro Sula y obviamente de Honduras.

El Jampedrano ® por Luís Matute — ¡dale un vistazo!


El Jampedrano por Luis Matute blogEl Jampedrano by Luís Matute.

Someone from San Pedro Sula is called a Sampedrano in Spanish. In the Honduran north coast, we have the habit of replacing the "S" with "J" when we speak, so that’s where “Jampedrano” comes from.

This is a blog written by a Jampedrano describing his experiences in and out of San Pedro Sula, sharing his viewpoints, even when they are not popularly palatable, as well as his disenchantment with politics, religion, soccer, and extreme idiocy (that is, if the first three are not synonymous with the last).

In addition, there is space for film and musical recommendations, the opportunity to play Pac-Man (in case you dislike the blog) and comedy, although it should be noted that the type of humor is not very explicit; questioning the author about this, he answered only: "long live sarcasm".

This blog is written by Luís Matute, formerly a broadcaster at radio station “Radioactiva 997”in Honduras, in addition to being part of the musical group Bakkan. He currently resides outside of San Pedro Sula, and is Honduran, obviously.

El Jampedrano ® por Luís Matute — check it out!

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